
JewishEpitaphs.org is an online resource for disseminating information about the restoration and documentation of Bagnowka Jewish Cemetery in Bialystok, Poland. Initially established as an online venue for the study of the Jewish epitaph, featuring the Bagnowka corpus, that mission while still significant is momentarily eclipsed by the growing need to complete restoration and documentation of Bagnowka Cemetery. 

Featured is the Bagnowka Jewish Cemetery Burial Registry based on the extant records of this cemetery and developed from past documentation projects and current restoration efforts. Most exciting, too, are the pages devoted to the restoration of Bagnowka Jewish Cemetery. Visitors can read about the history of Bagnowka, its structure and key features as well as explore pictures and videos that highlight restoration efforts. Here, too, visitors will find examples of unique epitaphs, tombstones and inscriptional details on Bagnowka.

This website also offers a Guidebook to Bagnowka Cemetery in English and Polish as well as an updated (2022) two-page tour pamphlet in English and Polish, with a map, that can readily be used when visiting the cemetery in person or virtually. This website also features a page for the newest Publications related to Bagnowka, including my book on Bagnowka (2017), publications hosted by Jewish Heritage Europe, relevant conference papers over the last fifteen years, and my autobiographical essay, “An Unintentional Keeper of the Names,” which highlights my involvement in this documentation and restoration project.